Sharonda Coleman-Singleton Memorial Scholarship Fund

About the Sharonda Coleman-Singleton Memorial Scholarship Fund:
This fund was established in 2016 in memory of Sharonda, a victim of the tragic attack on Mother Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC in 2015.  Ms. Coleman-Singleton was a member of ASHA, a beloved high school Speech-Language Pathologist and track and field coach.  She will forever be remembered by many who she impacted during her life and career. The Scholarship is a $1000 competitive, merit-based scholarship awarded by the SCSHA Foundation's Application Review Committee to a deserving minority student member.

SCSHA needs your donations to make a worthy student's path a little smoother! No donation is too small! Please give to this wonderful cause and help us to continue to honor Sharonda's legacy!

Don't Do It Alone!

This year we will be hosting meet ups in different areas because participating as part of a group is always more fun! If you are interested in hosting a meet up in your area, please contact Carson Walker. We will put meet up locations on the website as soon as they are confirmed.

If your region raises the most money, you will be recognized at the Annual Convention!